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have you been able to become an attractive person?

have you been able to become an attractive person?



  • Ellana
    I simply believed that I was beautiful. I had complexes and perhaps still have them. The biggest one is that I am very tall. Even if you visually compare my height with the height of my friends through a height comparison website , you can see how different I am from them. But I got used to and learned to perceive myself as I am...
  • наташаа
    • 2. наташаа Le 14/10/2023
    Это конечно сложно всегда оставаться красивой и быть в форме) Но можно стараться)) Я вот заметила у себя признаки старения и нависшее веко и решилась на операцию пластики век если говорить про лучшие решения это одно из. Процедура прошла безболезненно и достаточно быстро.Через несколько недель после операции, результаты стали видны. Мои верхние веки выглядят моложе, и мой взгляд стал более ясным и открытым.
  • Julie Kidman
    Brown hair with highlights can be quite stunning. With all of the styling options available today, there is no end to the looks you can get with brown tones, especially with gorgeous highlights. See brown hair with highlights
  • rimm
    • 4. rimm Le 29/11/2021
    to have an attractive appearance, you just need to change your hairstyle. Therefore, I suggest you check out these short haircuts for women over 60 . In adulthood, there is a charm. 60-year-old ladies are no longer chasing chic, they are attracted by the sophistication of the image. But it is worth paying attention to the hair color, it should make the fair sex younger, as well as the length of the hairstyle. A well-trimmed 60-year-old fashionista will become more elegant and charming.
  • caritop
    • 5. caritop Le 29/11/2021
    to become more attractive to people, I decided to use the services of a stylist
  • gek kar
    • 6. gek kar Le 26/11/2021
    I was able to get a more attractive appearance due to the fact that I was able to get rid of widows peak . The Widow's Peak is a V-shaped point in the hairline at the center of the forehead. Forehead hair growth is inhibited in a bilateral pair of periorbital fields. Without the widow's lance, these fields connect in the middle of the forehead to form a straight hairline. Widow's peak is obtained when the intersection point on the forehead of the upper perimeters of these fields is lower than usual.
  • dasfg
    • 7. dasfg Le 26/11/2021
    every person tries to become more attractive
  • strumma
    • 8. strumma Le 24/11/2021
    Hi! I was able to become more attractive thanks to brown hair with highlights . The use of bright color accents allows you to make the image fresher and more interesting, while you can get a natural burnout effect, add volume, glare, and radically change the overall color scheme.

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